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dimensionOverride makes it easy to place overrides on a whole series of dimensions in a single command.

Creating and Editing Overrides

To override dimensions, you must first create and configure the overrides you would like. Overrides are created and edited in the primary dialog (shown below); this dialog can be accessed either through Settings -> dimensionOverride or through the 'Dimension Override' button.

This dialog has 3 primary settings:

  1. Override List - This pane lists all available overrides and allows you to create new override types (green 'plus' button), edit existing overrides (plue 'pencil' button), or remove overrides (red 'X' button).
  2. Frequent Overrides - This pane allows you to configure the frequent overrides.
  3. Ignore Strings - Check this option to allow only overriding of single dimensions and filter out strings. Note that if a string is overridded it will override all segmemts of the string.

Creating or editing an override will bring up the override configuration dialog:

This dialog allows you to configure the override and consists of three major sections:

  1. Name - This defined the name of the override and determines how it will be shown in the main dialog.
  2. Overrides - This section mimics the standard Revit override dialog and allows you to determine if the actual dimension value will be used or if it will be replaced with text as well as all above, below, prefix, and suffix values.
    1. One addition to this dialog that does not appear in the standard Revit dialog is the 'Qty in Dim' option for the prefix. For more information on this setting see here.
  3. Length Filters - In order to assist in overriding many dimensions, dimensionOverride allows you to filter applicable dimensions by length. Check this box and set the options to enable this filter. When enabled, overrides will be skipped for any dimension not meeting the filter.

Basic Override

To override a dimension or series of dimensions, simply activate the 'Dimension Override' Command. This will bring up the main dialog (shown in the previous section). Simply select an override from the overrides list and press 'OK' to return to Revit and select the dimension(s) to be overridden.

Frequently Used Overrides

The dimension overrides in the main list of overrides may be assigned to one of six frequently used overrides. Simply drag an override from the main list to the desired location in the frequent override list to set it.

To activate a frequently used override, open Frequent Override button on the Revit ribbon and select the override you would like to use. The frequently used overrides bypass the main dialog and let the user go straight to selecting dimensions to override. In addition, the frequently used commands can be assigned to keyboard shortcuts to further increase override efficiency.

Divide by Quantity

The 'Use Quantity Division' check box on the setup dialog allows users to report the division of the dimension in smaller segments. For example, as user may want to have a prefix that shows 9 Risers @ 6.5".

To use this feature, check the 'Use Quantity Division' check box and fill out the prefix field using the placeholders {0} and {1} where:

dimensionOverride Quantity

In the above riser example, the prefix text box would be filled out: {0} Risers @ {1} =. When the override command is executed, a dialog asking for the number of divisions pops up (shown above). The '# Segments' value gets inserted where the {0} placeholder is located, 'Segment Dimension' is inserted where the {1} placeholder is located.

dimensionOverride allows the segment dimension to be displayed using either the standard project units or the alternate units. Check the 'Use Alternate Units' checkbox to use the alternate units format in the dimension style of the dimension being overridded; uncheck the box to use the standard project units. Using alternate units gives additional flexibility in reporting, making it possible (for example) to report the segment dimension in fractional inches while still reporting the overall dimension in feet and inches.

Clear Overrides

dimensionOverride also allows you to clear overrides in bulk. Simply press the 'Clear Overrides' button on the Revit ribbon and select the dimensions to be cleared. Once you are finished selected press 'Finish' on the options bar to finish your selection; all overrides from the selected dimensions will be cleared.


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