Revit workFlow


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dimensionOverride makes it easy to place overrides on a whole series of dimensions in a single command.

Basic Override

dimensionOverride Dialog


  1. The Add, Edit, and Delete configuration buttons are used to add, edit, and delete dimension override configuration setups. If no setups exist in the list box on the left, then the user must click “Add New Config” to get started.

  2. The Dimension Override Setup Form that shows after clicking add or edit config in the main dialog (shown above) looks very similar to the standard override dialog in Revit. At the top of the form, the user must give the override setup a name. In the 2014 version, there is a “QTY in dim” check box near the prefix override that allows users to add quantity divisions and the resulting division dimensions as a prefix to the dimension (see section below for more information).

  3. If at least one override exists and shows up in the main dialog list of overrides, then the user can select an override and click OK to begin selecting dimensions to override with that configuration.

  4. Select as many dimensions as desired and then click “finish” to complete the override command. The tool will only work on individual dimensions, if dimensions in a string of dimensions are selected, they will be ignored.

Usage Notes:

  1. The List of Configurations are stored in an XML file. The location of the XML file is shown at the top of the main dimOverride dialog. When first starting out, the default XML file name is DORdata2014.xml or DORdata2013.xml. The location of the default XML file is... C:\Users\*username*\AppData\Roaming\Revolution Design\WorkFlow\ DORdata2013.xml (or "DORdata2014.xml" for Revit 2014). However, the XML file can be located where ever the user would like to put it.

Frequently Used Overrides

dimensionOverride Main Dialog

The dimension overrides in the main list of overrides may be assigned to one of six frequently used overrides. Select the override in the list and then click the frequently used override button to assign it to that location.

To activate a frequently used override, simply open Frequent Override button on the Revit ribbon and select the override you would like to use. The frequently used overrides bypass the main dialog and let the user go straight to selecting dimensions to override. In addition, the frequently used commands can be assigned to keyboard shortcuts to further increase override efficiency.

Divide by Quantity

The “QTY in dim” check box on the setup dialog allows users to report the division of the dimension in the smaller segments. For example, as user may want to have a prefix that shows --  [9 risers @ 6.5"].

To use this feature, check the “QTY in dim” check box and fill out the prefix text box in the format: xx{0}xx{1}xx where:

dimensionOverride QuantityIn the above riser example, the prefix text box would be filled out: [{0} risers @ {1}]. When the override command is executed, a dialog asking for “N” parts pops up (shown to the right). The “N” value gets inserted where the {0} placeholder is located. Then, the resulting segment dimension is inserted where the {1} placeholder is located.

The units for the segment dimension are established from the Alternate Units parameters in the dimension being overridden. Thus, it is possible to report the segment dimension in fractional inches rather than feet and inches.


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