Keynote Manager Header


Keynote Manager will store up to 999 backups of each keynote file & comment file you open with it. Files are stored on startup, shutdown, load, and at a specified time interval if the option is selected in the settings dialog. Backups are stored on a per user basis at "*Application Data*\Revolution Design\Keynote Manager\Backups" and are the original file name followed by the date and time they were saved.

Note also that these backups are on the local drive in the users application data folder, so they are user specific. Thus, the file is backed up on the computer of each team member who edits it. This creates a dispersed backup system that allows very reliable restoration of a lost or damaged keynote file to a recent state.

Restoring a Backup

To restore a backup of an open file simple go to 'File->Restore Backup' from the standalone application or expand the KM+ panel in the integrated application and select 'Restore Backup'.

The backup dialog that comes up will list all backups on the current machine of the current file with the following data:

  • External Data: This reports if the backup has external data (comments and links xml file) associated with it.
  • Backup Date: The date the backup was created.
  • File Path: The physical path to the backup file.

Lastly, there is also a 'compare' icon at the left side of each backup. You can press this icon to compare this backup file with the current active file to see the changes that were made.

Once you have selected the backup that you want to resore, simply select 'Restore Selected Backup' and it will be restored as the main file.