Keynote Manager Header


Search Tabs

Keynote Manager uses a system of 'search tabs' to allow the user to easily search keynote files based on many criteria and save common searches for later use.

To search the current keynote file for a certain piece of text, simply type the search term into the search box at the top of the keynote list. This will create a default search tab that shows all keynotes containing the text searched for. This tab also contains several options for searching key values, descriptions, or both and filtering by if a keynote has comments, links, or is in use.

The find function is not case sensitive, nor is it whole word only. Searching for "auto" will find "auto", "AUTO", "automobile", "automatic", etc.

The default search tab also includes the replace function. To replace, simply enter a replacement value and press 'Replace Selected' or 'Replace All'.

Saved and Predefined Searches

Common searches can be saved by setting the desired options on the default search tab and pressing the 'save' button on the tab itself. Doing so will create a new saved tab named by the search term.

Keynote Manager also comes with several predefined searches for convenience. Predefined searches can be accessed by pressing the '+' button on the right side of the tab headers. This will open a menu where the user can choose from a list of predefined search tabs to be visible.

Saved and visible predefined search tabs are saved as user settings and will persist from session to session. To close a saved or predefined search tab simply press the red X on the tab header.