Keynote Manager Header

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Keynote Manager contains a comment and markup system to allow users to mark up or 'redline' a keynote file digitally while leaving the original text file intact for Revit's use. Since Revit does not allow for commenting within the keynote text file, the system uses an xml file to save and manage the comments*.

The xml file will be automatically created when the first comment or link is created and should be maintained by the Keynote Manager after that time*. The xml file should reside in the same folder and have the same name as the text file with the exception of the file extension (i.e. a keynote file named 'MyKeynotes.txt' will have a comment file named 'MyKeynotes.xml'). If the keynote file is moved or renamed, the xml markup file must be moved and/or renamed as well or Keynote Manager will not recognize the comment file.

Please note that it is always recommended that all editing of the text file be done with Keynote Manager to ensure consistency and accuracy of the text file. This is especially important when using the comment system. The comment system uses the key values of keynotes to track which comments are related to which keynotes; editing the text file outside Keynote Manager could cause a comment to lose the link to its keynote and cause errors.

*Keynote Manager uses standard xml so those with knowledge of xml markup may be able to edit the file manually or with another tool. However, please note that you are doing so at your own risk and may cause the comment system to fail.

Creating Comments

Comments can be created by right clicking on a keynote and selecting 'Add Comment' or by using the 'Add Comment' button on the left hand toolbar. This will bring up a dialog that will give a preview of the entire keynote and allow you to type a new comment to be placed on the keynote.

Comments can also be created by right clicking a keynote and selecting 'Manage Comments'. This will bring up a dialog showing all comments related to that keynote (if any) and allow you to add comments, update existing comments, or mark comments as complete.

Managing Comments

Comments can be managed on an individual note or project wide basis:
To manage the comments related to an individual keynote right click the desired keynote and select 'Manage Comments'. Alternately, select the keynote and select 'Manage Comments' from the 'Comments' menu (note that neither of these options will be available when no comments exist for a specific keynote).

To manage the comments for the entire project select 'Manage All Comments' from the 'Comments' menu or by right clicking away from a keynote.

The comments dialog will show the comment text, and the date and type of the last update to each individual comment. Comments can be created once, updated as many times as desired, and marked complete.


Once comments have been created for a keynote the expandable comment palette will be displayed below the keynote description. This palette expands to show all comments and allows comments to be added, edited, deleted, or marked complete. Comment history can also be viewed by hovering over the status text.