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Reload (Instant Save Mode Only)

Because of the way instant save works, the keynote file can be changed by another user while you have Keynote Manager open. If this occurs, the background of Keynote Manager will turn a light yellow color to let you know that the file has been changed. When this ocurrs you need to reload the file in order to see the modifications other users have made and to avoid overwriting their data.

The reload command can be found under the "View" menu (standalone application only), or on the right click menu (right click anywhere on the main window).

Adding Keynotes

Keynotes can be added in four ways as follows:

  1. Sub-Note: This will add a new note as a child of the currently selected note. In order to create this type of note, either right click the parent note and select Add->Sub-Note or select the parent note and go to Keynotes->Add->Sub-Note. The keynote will be created with a default value that can be changed later.
  2. Sequential: This works similar to Sub-Note, except that the note is placed in the same stack as the note selected, and will automatically be numbered at the end of the sequence of the selected note.
  3. From File (standalone): This function is found under the keynotes menu and can be used to add a series of notes from an existing text file to the current file. Any keynote found with a duplicate key to one in the current text file will be presented to the user with the ability to be ignored, added in sequence, or overwritten.
  4. Copy: Existing keynotes can be copied as sub-notes, or in sequence.
Editing Keynotes

Keynote values can be edited as follows:

  • Description - Simply change the text in the text box on the main interface. Changes are comitted when the user presses 'Enter' or when the textbox loses keyboard focus.
  • Key Value - Double clicking the key value begins a key value edit. Changes are comitted when the user presses enter or the editing box loses keyboard focus.
  • Stacking - Keynotes can change their stacking location by simple drag and drop. Select one or more keynotes and drag and drop them onto another note and they will stack under that note. Notes may also be dropped in the zone marked 'Drop Here for Top Level' to make them stack at the top level.
  • Renumber - Select multiple keynotes and use the renumber tool (on the right click or 'Keynotes' menus) to renumber all of the selected notes in sequence.

Please note that since there is no direct connection to Revit in Keynote Manager Standard, editing a keynote value could cause elements in Revit to lose their keynote. With Keynote Manager +, editing from within the palette has this direct connection and will automatically update the key values.

Deleting Keynotes

The delete tool can be accessed by right clicking the keynote(s) you wish to delete and selecting "Delete", by selecting the keynote(s) and going to Keynotes->Delete, or by selecting the keynote(s) and simply pressing 'Delete'. You will be asked to confirm the delete before it is finalized.

Please remember that due to the heirarchical nature of Revit keynotes, deleting a keynote will also delete any keynotes that appear stacked under them in the tree.