Selection Master

Spell Check

Spell Check

Spell check can be accessed either by right click menus or under the main "Keynotes" menu; it will cycle through all keynotes in the file and will check the note field for words that are not in the dictionaries currently in use.

Keynote Manager can use up to 2 dictionaries for testing:

  1. The User Dictionary - this is the main dictionary, and it is a simple text file with a list of words in it. When words are added to the dictionary via the spell checker, this is the dictionary where they will be added. A sample user dictionary with approximately 10,000 words is included with the zip file download from the Revolution website. Users may also create their own dictionary file.
  2. The Revit Dictionary - Revit uses dictionary files as well, so the Keynote Manager will search for these files (for Revit versions
    2008-2012) and give you the option to use these files.

Settings for dictionary locations can also be accessed via the settings dialog.